Song Flute Headjoint
The beauty of a flute is determined by a fine handmade headjoint because it has a soul of its own. Song Flute headjoint fulfills the exquisite satisfaction of the appearance and the embouchure cut at the same time.
- 995% handmade silver soldered tube and riser
- 950% handmade silver engraved lip plate
- A ruby inlay in the crown
- Wing
- 995% handmade silver soldered tube and riser
- 950% handmade silver engraved lip plate and 0.33 daiamond
- A ruby inlay in the crown
- 995% handmade silver soldered tube and 14K gold riser
- 950% handmade silver engraved lip plate
- A ruby inlay in the crown
- 14K Wing
- 995% handmade silver soldered tube and 14K gold riser
- 950% handmade silver engraved lip plate and 0.33 diamond
- A ruby inlay in the crown
- 14K handmade gold soldered tube
- 14K handmade gold engraved lip plate
- 14K gold riser and crown
- 14K handmade gold soldered tube
- 14K handmade gold engraved lip plate and 14k crown
- Platinum gold riser